data()는 HTML element에 메타 데이터 정보를 읽는 역할을 하는 함수이다.
data 저장
var tar = document.getElementByTagName('h2')[0]; //$('h2')[0]
tar.setAttribute('data-color', 'red'); //<h2 data-color="red">test</h2>
tar.dataset.color = 'blue'; //<h2 data-color="red">test</h2>
//결과 확인
data 읽기
var tar = document.getElementByTagName('h2')[0];
var color = tar.getAttribute('data-color'); //red
var color = $(tar).data('color'); //red
//결과 확인
data 지우기
var tar = document.getElementByTagName('h2')[0];
.data() | jQuery API Documentation
Description: Return arbitrary data associated with the first element in the jQuery collection, as set by data() or by an HTML5 data-* attribute. The .data() method allows us to read data previously associated with DOM elements. We can retrieve several dist
.removeData() | jQuery API Documentation
Description: Remove a previously-stored piece of data. The .removeData() method allows us to remove values that were previously set using .data(). When called with the name of a key, .removeData() deletes that particular value. When called with no argument
John Resig - HTML 5 data- Attributes
A new feature being introduced in HTML 5 is the addition of custom data attributes. This is a, seemingly, bizarre addition to the specification – but actually provides a number of useful benefits. Simply, the specification for custom data attributes states
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